Sunday, June 28, 2009

Bakery Tour

NSW Bombie last week....
More coming soon...
(  .  Y  .  )

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Embarked on a sneaky trip down the coast with ANDREW(given up photography to sleep on the headland) SMYTHE and PIERRE (frenchfucktimewaster) LOUIS COSTES, meeting up with Max Arent and young shredder Corey Daglish on the way down, on what im probably calling the coldest night ever. The swell ended up being a bit of a hoax about half the size as anticipated but after sitting on the rocks at mills for about half an hour of just writing it off as the worst wave in australia we decided to give it a shot and she ended up producing the goods.
After that we scored a couple more sneaky sessions around the coastline and saw a dead horse on the side of the road, it was out of hand.
BIG SHOUT OUT TO JUDY from the Kiola coast guard who found my phone at 6 in the morning with her nightvision goggles and returned it to me, your a hero in my books old girl JUuuUDDES.

left to right Pierre, Smythe, Max, Corey - Team NEG

Monday, June 1, 2009

Made a quick little edit to put on Vimeo the other night for the blog i dont even know if i like it. Also looks a bit out of sync if its not viewed in HD. scope

Just Juice

Early last week some fun waves went down around Avalon with the local crew Max Arent, Ewan Donnachie and Ben Player destroying the 3ft bowls as much as Robert Fisher destroyed his relationship with his father-in-law (

Max Flip 1
Max Flip 2